Forum HEY CLIO! CHIEDI A CLIO Melissa McCarthy on Her Fabulous Fashion Line for All Women

Melissa McCarthy on Her Fabulous Fashion Line for All Women

Topic iniziato da
geisler , ultimo intervento di
geisler, 8 years, 7 months fa


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  • #81766
    Messaggi: 7

    <P>Melissa McCarthy recently launched her own clothing line with one goal in mind – making fashion fun for everyone.</P>
    <P>The actress, 45, admits exclusively in this week’s PEOPLE cover story that getting dressed, something she had always enjoyed doing, began to feel more like a chore.</P>
    <P>”It had become a daily reminder of all of my imperfections,” says McCarthy. “For the first time in my life it had stopped bringing me joy.”</P>
    <CENTER>'What I Want Is for You to Feel Great!' Melissa McCarthy on Her Fabulous Fashion Line for All Women</CENTER>
    <P>photo: bridesmaid dresses</P></CENTER>
    <P>She realized she needed to make a change, so she did just that. She changed her attitude and her wardrobe.</P>
    <P>”I’ve been every size under the rainbow, and my sense of style never left me, but my options did,” says McCarthy. “I created a fashion line that is for all sizes.”</P>
    <P>When launching her line, the actress, who is currently in Boston wrapping up filming the Ghostbusters reboot, says she also made sure the pieces in her collection gave women the ability to express how they feel.</P>
    <P>”You should be able to wake up and say, ‘I am wearing weird boots and leopard pants and a ripped-up T-shirt and a leather jacket and a big bow in my hair,'” says McCarthy, adding that she makes sure to always follow her own fashion advice. “I’m a mom with two kids – and I wear leather pants and cheetah-print and all kinds of crazy stuff.”</P>
    <P>see more: formal dresses perth</P>

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